sábado, 17 de octubre de 2015

Activar o cambiar KEY en Office 2013

Para cambiar o activar el producto de Microsoft Office desde la consola debemos hacer:

Basicamente sería hacer:

cscript /h:cscript

C:\>"Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" /dstatus
 para ver el estado

C:\>"Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14"\ospp /inpkey<key product> 
para introducir el key

C:\>"Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14"\ospp /act
para activar

consultar estos links:

Editado (9/1/16):
Pueden evitar realizar estos pasos descriptos haciendo uso de este programa bajo Windows.

viernes, 24 de abril de 2015

PartKeepr installation on Ubuntu

What is PartKeepr?

PartKeepr (www.partkeepr.org) is an open source inventory manage system, primarily designed for electronic components. 
I generally lose track of my (however small) personal inventory of electronic components. Also, some important components may be in use in some projects. This is where PartKeepr comes in! It fulfils most of my requirements for a Small , Personal Inventory Management System for  Electronic Components.

Some of its features I like are:
  • Electronic Components Management
  • Projects and Components currently in use by them
  • Label Printing
  • Intuitive UI, although I'd like more fast and better UI 

martes, 21 de abril de 2015

How to deploy a web application quickly with Ubos on Raspberry Pi

Posted: 20 Apr 2015 01:12 PM PDT

Ubos, which translates to "You are the boss", is a platform to help intermediately skilled users set up a home server and deploy web apps on it in a most automated way. Ubos puts you in the driver seat without knowing the details of the motor. On the other hand, it does not keep you […]
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The post How to deploy a web application quickly with Ubos on Raspberry Pi appeared first on Xmodulo.

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

Cambiar Theme en Python IDLE (Linux)

Obsidian Theme for IDLE

Posted: August 4, 2011 | Author: David Sosby | Filed under: Uncategorized |1 Comment

I attempt to use dark backgrounds in all of my editors. I find it much easier on my eyes when I'm staring at code all day long or hacking on something early in the morning. I generally use something close to my favorite color scheme on Notepad++, Obsidian, which I believe is based on Obsidian Coast in KDE.

With that said, Python's IDLE application is harshly bright compared to my normal editors. After a quick Google search I found only a few themes available for IDLE, so I created IDLE highlighting settings that mimic my favorite color scheme. Here is the first draft for all to enjoy. You can also find the latest updates in this Gist repo. Installation is easy: just copy and paste these settings into your .idlerc\config-highlight.cfg file in your home directory (creating as necessary), then choose it in your Highlighting settings in IDLE by selecting "Use Custom Theme" and "Obsidian" from the dropdown.

[Obsidian] definition-foreground = #678CB1 error-foreground = #FF0000 string-background = #293134 keyword-foreground = #93C763 normal-foreground = #E0E2E4 comment-background = #293134 hit-foreground = #E0E2E4 builtin-background = #293134 stdout-foreground = #678CB1 cursor-foreground = #E0E2E4 break-background = #293134 comment-foreground = #66747B hilite-background = #2F393C hilite-foreground = #E0E2E4 definition-background = #293134 stderr-background = #293134 hit-background = #000000 console-foreground = #E0E2E4 normal-background = #293134 builtin-foreground = #E0E2E4 stdout-background = #293134 console-background = #293134 stderr-foreground = #FB0000 keyword-background = #293134 string-foreground = #EC7600 break-foreground = #E0E2E4 error-background = #293134

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

Como editar inicio Grub Netbook Conectar Igualdad

Para hacerlo y poner por defecto el inicio de otros sistemas operativos debemos realizar lo siguiente:

Primero debemos saber qué opciones tenemos, para ello en una terminal escribamos lo siguiente:
grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg
cada línea que empiece con "menuentry" es una opción. Digamos que yo deseo poner por defecto para que mi sistema acceda siempre (por defecto repito) mediante Windows XP, ubicado en /dev/sda1.

Cambiar Grub Notebook Conectar Igualdad

1- Ingresar a linux 

2- Abrir el terminal 

3- Ya dentro del terminal debemos ingresar: 

4- Debemos ingresar la constraseña del Administrador que por defecto es ALUMNO 

5-Ya abierto el archivo GRUB.CFG lo podremos modificar 

por defecto esta asi: 

es el orden del sistema operativo con el que inicia 
set defaul="0" 

es el tiempo que se muestra el grub 
set timeout=30 

si queremos que al iniciar se posicione en linux 
set defaul="0" 
y si queremos que sea windows 
set defaul="1" 

para cambiar el tiempo del grub, solo debemos cambiar la cantidad de segundos. 

sábado, 17 de enero de 2015

Connect 2 routers de forma inalámbrica (Bridge ) usando el TL-MR3020

Explains how to bridge network using two wireless routers, the first (Host) router is configure as Access Point & the second router (TL-MR3020) is configure as Client mode. Same method should apply to all other OpenWRT routers as well.

Host router configure as Access Point. If you already setup a wireless internet connection in your house, usually your modem is configured as Access Point mode.
A working OpenWRT on TP-LINK TL-MR3020 Portable 3G/4G Wireless N Router